Local women working nearby exchanged wary looks when asked about the hotel. “There are always ‘those’ kinds of girls going inside,” one says, while the others nodded when asked if the place still rented rooms by the hour. “Of course, no one knew what kind of hotel this was,” says Gil Horev, a Welfare Ministry spokesman, referring to the fact that several Ukrainian refugees in wheelchairs were housed in the hotel, which had no provisions for people with disabilities.

  • In 2008 there was introduced winter break competition which became regular later since 2013.
  • The surge of female soldiers is so new that Ukraine’s military still doesn’t have standard uniforms for women — meaning they’re often handed ill-fitting men’s clothes.
  • In Ukraine, where the cycles of life and death run faster, the women are to be deployed in a matter of weeks.

‘We invite refugees to join our meetings during which we explain how not to fall https://alatpemadam.co.id/2023/02/07/china-standards-2035-behind-beijings-plan-to-shape-future-technology/ prey to exploitation or avoid working for minimum wages and accommodation. We make them aware of their rights because we know that they can earn their living legally,’ Poberezhnyk affirmed. According to reports in the Polish media, by late August some 420,000 Ukrainians had found employment in Poland thanks to the simplified procedures. Ukrainian migrants do not need to apply for a work permit; instead, an employer has 14 days to report that they are employing a Ukrainian citizen. According to a source at Employers of Poland, some 70 per cent who have been hired are women, with half engaged in low-paid work in manufacturing, services or agriculture.

Ukraine’s domestic politics amid the war

The surge of female soldiers is so new that Ukraine’s military still doesn’t have standard uniforms for women — meaning they’re often handed ill-fitting men’s clothes. The snipers’ training sessions have been designed by a taciturn commanding officer going by the nom de guerre of “Deputy”, the only biographical detail he offers. Aside from shooting practice, Deputy’s sessions include lessons on tactics, ballistics and movement. In Ukraine, where the cycles of life and death run faster, the women are to be deployed in a matter of weeks. Their first posting is the northern border with Belarus, where Russian forces may be preparing, or at least threatening, a second attack on Kyiv.

This meant difficulties in accessing public services for veterans and in making the transition back to civilian life. Women have served in Ukraine’s armed forces since the country declared its independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, but were mainly in supporting roles until the beginning of the war in 2014. They started serving in combat roles in 2016 and all military roles were opened to women in 2022. However, many women in non-combat roles, such as medics, are exposed to the same dangers and hardships as their male and female colleagues who fire the weapons.

UNFPA youth camps make young people from Ukraine feel safe again

Despite their contribution to the war effort, Ukrainian women remain a minority in positions of state-wide decision-making. Ukraine’s government has just over 20 per cent elected female deputies in the lower chamber https://thegirlcanwrite.net/ of parliament, an increase of 12 per cent on 2014, but there are none in the upper chamber.

In the Russia-Ukraine war, drones are one of the most powerful weapons

With the real risk of sexual exploitation or human trafficking, women are trusted more readily when it comes to registering those internally displaced by the war, a https://strapexmaroc.com/federation-of-cuban-women-cuban-political-organization/ number currently put at more than 4.5 million. They organize transport to take the displaced to safety in neighbouring countries, and female psychologists are providing mental health counselling after the First Lady, Olena Zelenska, launched a programme of psycho-social support with UN agencies. Jessica Trisko Darden, Ph.D., an assistant professor in theDepartment of Political Scienceat Virginia Commonwealth University’sCollege of Humanities and Sciences, is an expert on gender and political violence. Martsenyuk suggested that in order for the issues of women in politics to be less controversial, a younger generation must become involved and female leaders should launch more programs for women in order to raise their interest in politics.

And some have been subjected to starvation, torture and sexual humiliation, Ukrainian officials and former POWs say. “I think the state needs to understand that right now, and over the next few years, they need psychological help because their entire lives are broken. We need to find them psychological help, information about health services,” Tregubenko says. Valerya Tregubenko, a psychologist who works privately and for public health provider Clalit, and who has also been providing therapy to Ukrainians in Israel, says that seeking out help is far from a priority for the majority of those who have fled war.

For example, in 2022 Ukraine adopted the national strategy on equality of women and men, covering the period up to 2030. Social attitudes towards women soldiers have also improved a great deal over the past few years. For example, the percentage of Ukrainians who agreed that women in the military should be granted equal opportunities with men increased dramatically from 53% in 2018 to 80% in 2022. Not only have many of these formal obstacles now been removed, but gender advisers and audits have been introduced to encourage a military culture that is more welcoming for women. In families where both parents are serving in the armed forces, parental leave is no longer the exclusive preserve of mothers. According to Ukraine’s deputy minister of defence, Hanna Maliar, by the summer of 2022 more than 50,000 women were employed by the armed forces in some capacity, with approximately 38,000 serving in uniform. Women and girls are disproportionately affected, accounting for 70% of the world’s hungry, according to Plan International.

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