Animals will look for food
WorldBox – God Simulator [build 11538132] Repack Team-LiL, build 11538132 – June 22, 2023 WorldBox is the PERFECT sandbox and god simulator! Create your world or destroy it using different powers: God Simulator. There are many abilities in your toolbox that you can use without mana or resources. Live peace. In essence there are character traits and needs. No kings try to get more lands.
Humans, orcs, elves and dwarves
Use different tools and brushes to design and populate your world: Fantasy Races. There are 4 civilized races in WorldBox. Each of them has its own special design and racial characteristics. Civilization. Races will form kingdoms, colonize new lands and sail to distant continents that you create. Diplomatic system.
Empires will fall
Kingdoms will fight among themselves. The city will rise. You decide whether to help them or watch them fight. Lots of fun and crazy skills you can use: Powers of Destruction. Lightning, tornadoes, acid rain, nuclear weapons, meteorites, plague, dragons and even UFOs. Different creatures.
Share your cards
Demons, skeletons, zombies, tumors, colds, dragons, UFOs and even a giant Krabzilla that you can control yourself! Interact with your world and create different scenarios: Interact. Interact with your world with the divine magnet. Use your powers to unleash wars or create massive tornadoes! You can influence the world in unique ways. Show off your creations to other players in the WorldBox community!
Don’t just hit and run
Procedural generation. Create worlds of different sizes and find kingdoms with unique flags and names. Think about other people who have helped you. Please share the detail files. so the torrent will finish faster. super giveaway so that everyone gets different parts of the file, users who are not part of the file will be IP blocked, please continue the giveaway for a while after you get 100%, thanks