A man returns to his hometown on the Australian coast, only to be taunted in front of his teenage son by a group of local surfers who claim ownership of the secluded beach of his childhood. The film received a six-minute standing ovation at the 77th Cannes Film Festival. The story unfolds as Cage arrives at a beach that is very important to him. However, when he is ridiculed and forbidden from surfing there with his son, it triggers a series of events that gradually separate him from reality, and allows the audience to question even the reality we perceive. One aspect I appreciate is the exploration of the sunk cost illusion, the tendency to persist with an effort we have invested, even when the current costs outweigh the benefits. Having recently faced a similar decision, I understand how challenging it is to back down and accept a loss. Watching this with Cage and the rest of the crew at the GL Theater was a very enjoyable experience.😄