Why Agencies Should Adopt Automation During Covid-19

August 8, 2020 in AgencyBlog

Why Agencies Should Adopt Automation During Covid-19

Lay the foundation for ‘successful agency operations’ while the virus still permeates before it finally settles

Agencies are struggling hard to stand firm on the unprecedented shaky grounds and trying to reevaluate financial security in the time of this COVID induced economic crisis.

While regular work schedules never present the time for an overhaul of the internal processes, this is the right time to bring about the necessary change. The little efforts you put in to improve your business strategy and operations can pay off beautifully as the markets recover from the economic slump. The best trade-off would be to use the time at hand to prepare the agency to face future challenges in a more reformed manner.

Here is how you can leverage operation automation during COVID

1. Improve Efficiency and Reduce Manpower Cost

Manpower cost is one of the major costs in project execution that can have a major impact on the agency’s financials. Scarcity of labour is also causing a surge in the cost involved in hiring the manual workforce. Automation of your workflow can efficiently reduce the need to maintain a large workforce and can pay for itself in the long run.

2. Execute More Projects with the Same Team.

Another valued perk of automation is the better utilization of time it promises. Automated solutions can help teams execute the projects in a streamlined fashion, without any discrepancies. This gives you more bandwidth to sign up for more projects and function profitably.

3. Have an Edge Amidst Shrinking Market Demand

Even clients are reeling under the burn of financial strains during COVID, resulting in reduced demands. The result is intensified competition to bag a fewer number of projects that make it to the market. Including innovation and technology in your sales pitch can help gain an advantage over your competitors.

4. Protect Profit Margin with Reduced Operational Costs

The best-case scenario in the face of reduced demand would be to bring down the operational costs involved in project execution, to shoot up the profit margins.  Optimize internal processes with innovative automation tools to reduce expenses and open up windows for increased profit margins.

5. Meet Client’s Demand for Live Reporting & Automation

Most clients will opt for value over price when making a purchase decision. Clients are also looking for value addition that reduces their time required to track campaign execution. With live reporting and automated quality checks, help save client efforts. Clients are demanding automation, be prepared.

Embracing technology to simplify agency operations is the best strategy agencies can have, to prepare for market revival post-COVID. Efforts made today to improve the way your business functions promise long term success.

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