Good Reporting Means Happy Customer

July 7, 2020 in AgencyBlog

Good Reporting Means Happy Customer

Some agencies blow their own trumpet about how efficient, hardworking, and effective they are.
And then, some let ‘reports’ do the talking!

Consistent communication forms the basis of all successful client-agency relationships. The way an agency reports to their clients; reflects how goal-oriented, and driven it is.

Good reporting helps agencies demonstrate their performance and prove results to their clients. Good work gets clouded by inefficient reporting.

What’s more?

Agencies can use insightful data from their reports to open new discussions with their clients. In short, good reporting is all the sales pitch an agency needs to bag new projects.

Spice up your reporting game with these reporting best practices:

1. Allow the Clients an Easy Access to the Reports

Clients enjoy a neat overview of the reports stacked in one place.

Lodging all the reports in one place helps clients get a wholesome view of their work’s progress. In the absence of a centralized approach, the haphazard approach of sending numerous updates through multiple channels to clients can make it difficult for them to manage them. Further, the lack of organization of such reports on the part of the client leaves the stories unreviewed. Instead, offer your clients easy access to all the reports neatly arranged in one place. A transparent reporting process fortifies agency-client relationships with trust.

2. Maintain a Healthy Reporting Frequency

Build credibility with your clients with well-paced, timely reporting.

Make it a point to set the reporting frequency up-front in all the contracts that you enter. Being transparent about the reporting frequency aids in expectation setting with the client and keeps them prepared for it.  Regular reporting is an assurance for the clients that you are consistently working to help them achieve their goals. Meeting the committed frequency is very important. Industry veterans believe weekly reporting is most suited for activity reports, whereas monthly and quarterly reporting befits ROI and result- oriented reports.

Regular reporting is an assurance for the clients that you are consistently working to help them achieve their goals. Meeting the committed frequency is very important. Industry veterans believe weekly reporting is most suited for activity reports, whereas monthly and quarterly reporting befits ROI and result- oriented reports.

3. Keep the Reports Comprehensible

Confusing reports are the last thing that your clients want to access.

Reports created by citing irrelevant details are of little use to the clients. Agencies must make it a point to create reports that are simple and relevant to their clients. They must carefully pick out the reporting metric and then portray the progress of the campaign in regards to that particular metric.

4. Link your Reports to the ROI

Clients love to see how their money is bringing forth substantial results.

Agencies need to understand the proper significance of their reporting activities from their client’s perspective. They need to demonstrate the ROI to their clients through their reports. Make the connection between ROI and reports relevant all through the reporting cycle, to retain your clients. This helps them see how your efforts are helping their business grow.


Showcasing a clear picture of all the hard work that the entire team at an agency is putting in for the client/s benefit is what summarizes good reporting.

Agency reporting, when done efficiently, can show how you’re going to achieve a client’s goals. Moreover, it brings a whole lot of transparency to your work processes, giving you a chance to own up mistakes, if it so happens. Clients appreciate such honesty in their relationships and value your efforts even more, consequently. It is more than aggregating all the data in one place for convenience; it is about creating an impact, improving teamwork, and client retention. is used by leading agencies that use pictures and videos to track projects. With a highly customizable dashboard, it facilitates good reporting. Agencies can update the project progress in real-time and even collaborate for the client’s feedback.

Good reporting, after all, is an absolute delight for the agency’s clients.

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