Matchmakers were frequently used to arrange marriages in ancient China. Numerous festivals that emphasized the value of family, societal standing, and wealth were involved in courtship and marriage. Although many of the traditional Asian marriage customs have been abandoned in modern times, they continue to be a valuable cause of decorum and cultural charm.

Until recently, the prevailing Chinese arranged wedding custom was that a man’s relatives may give a match to the woman’s family to start a marriage proposal. The concerto was finally approved or rejected by the woman’s relatives. A bride date was set if the symphony was accepted. Na Cai was the next step, during which the groom’s family would send diverse wedding presents to the family of the young woman. A skirt was one of the most significant betrothal donations. The woman’s community wanted to marry her into their relatives, which was the significance of the donation.

A boy’s love for a girl was shown by how many pieces of the trousers she received, and jade is regarded as beautiful in Chinese culture. Today, a man or woman’s love for their partner is frequently demonstrated by the quantity of jewelry they receive from them.

Both the ten-mile dark bride in Ninghai County, Newbo City, and the bride on the water in Doumen Town, both historical artifacts of traditional Chinese marriage customs, have been designated as part of the country’s nebulous heritage. These weddings serve as an opportunity to promote classic artisans like cinnabar and gold-lacquer decorations in addition to upholding the local custom.

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