Capture & ShareTrustable Visual Proofs For Anything
Is your organization using pictures and videos as proof for a task, an activity or a process? TrueVisual Platform makes capturing & sharing visual proofs tamper-proof, reliable and authentic.

True Visuals Tell True Stories
TrueVisual app allows user to captures original photos and videos with tamper-proof time and location markers. Visuals captured are encrypted and cannot be edited in any way except for allowed filters. It is not possible to use stored gallery images or photoshoped images.This way, the sender can share Visual Proofs confidently and the receiver can rely and trust the Visual Proof.
Engineered to Capture Visual Truth
Capture Visuals Proofs with Essential Parameters
Where : Location Marker Algorithm for capturing GPS location as precise as possibleWhen: Time Marker Server time stamped for accurate visual capture date & timeWho: Person Marker Know the user capturing the visual proofWhat: Asset-Action Marker Captures the thing / purpose of the visual

Once Captured, Cannot be Altered
Synced Real TimeCaptured proofs have to be uploaded within configured time, after which they expire and cannot be uploaded. Prevent manipulation of pictures & videosCaptured images are protected with encryption and stored with the individual image fingerprint Image Authenticity Checking AlgorithmAlgorithm to double check if any manipulation or issue detected in the image authenticity. Data On Server is Immutable and Cryptographically Verifiable Visual Proof data stored on block chain based database, making it impossible to edit data.